The Defense Research Institute (DRI) recognized civil litigation attorney D. Cameron Beck, Jr. at their 2021 Annual meeting as recipient of the Fred H. Sievert Award. DRI has presented this award annually since 1988 in recognition of a current or former president of a state defense bar organization who has made a significant contribution towards achieving the goals and objectives of the defense bar organization.
- Practice Areas
- Attorneys
- D. Cameron Beck Jr.
- Amanda Tapscott Belliveau
- Gordon J. Burt
- Camille Castle
- Nathaniel A. Dominy
- Jeffrey R. Donofrio
- Lawrence (Lex) A. Dunn
- Michael H. Gladstone
- David E. Gluckman
- Imie A. Harber
- J. Matthew Haynes, Jr.
- Peter L. Henderer
- A. Linwood Holton, Jr. (1923 - 2021)
- Lauren E. Hutcheson
- Zuhra J. Kazmi
- Sarah K. Knarzer
- Helen L. Konrad
- Crystal M. Malik
- Thomas W. McCandlish
- John W. Millburn
- Jennifer A. Minear
- Jonathan L. Moore
- Joseph M. Moore
- Philip B. Morris
- Sean M. O'Connor
- Samantha Stecker Otero
- Mark B. Rhoads
- Mariah Riley
- Eva C. Roffis
- Samuel Rosen
- Tina D. Saunders
- James M. Snyder
- Jonathan W.E. Thomas
- Jessica Hacker Trivizas
- Megan N. Watson
- Gibson S. Wright
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